Ques:How will I apply for CTE/CTO ?
Ans:On home page, select "industrial login" enter the user id and password with captcha code and click login. Then it will ask for change password. Enter the old password and make a new password and save the password. Then login again. Password should have minimum one numeric number (eg.1,2,3..), at least one special symbol (#,$,@) and some alphabet (eg. a,b,c,d) the password should have minimum 8 or maximum 15 character. Then update it and login again. Select the industrial login and enter the User Id and password. The home page of their Id will open. Here user can apply their consent application by clicking on "apply for consent".
Ques:What are important Environmental Laws in the Country?
  • Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
  • Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1978
  • Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act,1977
  • Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Rules 1978
  • Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  • Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983
  • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  • Environment(Protection) Rules, 1986
  • Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008
  • Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998
  • Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling)(Amendment) Rules, 2003
  • Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling ) Rules, 2000
  • Re-Cycled Plastic Manufacture & Usage Rules, 1999
  • Complete Ban on Manufacture, Sale and Use of Plastic Carry Bags...Notification dated 03.01.2011
  • Noise Pollution Rules, 2000
  • E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
  • Guidelines for Implementqation of E-Waste
  • Environment (Protection) Rules-Emission Standards for D.G.Set Battery Rules, 2000
  • Public Liability Insurance Act
  • Public Liability Insurance Rules
  • Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989
  • Ques: What are the different programes/activities implemented through State Pollution Control Board? Who are required to obtain consent from Board?
  • A-State Boards are implementing following programmes
  • Pollution control in 17 categories of highly polluting industries
  • Pollution control from industries discharging waste water into rivers and lakes
  • Inventorization of pollution industries in the State and ensuring their compliance to the Pollution control norms
  • Restoration of environmental quality in critically polluted areas
  • Monitoring of water and ambient air quality in the States
  • Hazardous waste
  • Bio-medical and Management of Municipal Solid Wastes
  • Ques:What are the specific functions of the Pollution Control Boards?
    Ans:A-Functions of Central Pollution Control Board :
  • Advise the Central Government on matters relating to pollution;
  • Coordinate the activities of the State Boards;
  • Provide Technical assistance to the State Boards, carry out and sponsor investigations and research relating to control of pollution;
  • Plan and organize training of personnel;
  • Collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data, prepare manuals and code of conduct.
  • To lay down standards;
  • To plan nation wide programme for pollution control.
  • Functions of the State Pollution Control Boards:
  • To advise the State Government on matter relating to pollution and on siting of industries.
  • To plan programme for pollution control.
  • To collect and disseminate information.
  • To carry our inspection.
  • To lay down effluent and emission standards.
  • To issue consent to industries and other activities for compliance of prescribed emission and effluent standards.
  • Ques:What are the types of consent?
    Ans:There are three types of consent issued under the provisions of Water (P & CP) Act 1974 and Air (P & CP) Act, 1981.
    I.Consent to Establish:
  • All the industries and activities needing consent must obtain consent to establish before actual commencement of the works for establishing the industry/activity.
  • II.Consent to Operate:
  • This consent needs to be taken before actual commencement of production including trial production. This consent is valid for certain duration.
  • III.Renewal of Consent to Operate:
  • The consent to operate is renewed after certain period.
  • Ques: What are the different powers given to the Central/State Pollution Control Boards/Committees under the Water Act?
    Ans:The powers given to Central / State Boards to make application to courts for restraining apprehended pollution of water in streams or wells .
    1. Where it is apprehended by a Board that the water in any stream or well is likely to be polluted by reason of the disposal or likely disposal of any matter in such stream or well or in any sewer or on any land, or otherwise, the Board may make a application to a court, not inferior to that of a metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of the first class, for restraining the person who is likely to cause such pollution from so causing.
    2. On receipt of an application under sub-section(1) the court may make such order as it deems fit.
    3. Where under sub-section(2) the court makes an order restraining any person from polluting the water in any stream or well, it may in that order.
    i. Direct the person who is likely to cause or has caused the pollution of the water in the stream or well, to desist from taking such action as is likely to cause pollution or, as the case may be, to remove from such stream or well, such matter.
    ii. Authorise the Board, if the direction under Clause(I) (being a direction for the removal of any matter from such stream or well) is not complied with by the person to whom such direction is issued, to undertake the removal and disposal of the matter in such manner as may be specified by the Court.
    4. All expenses incurred by the Board in removing any matter in pursuance of the authorisation under clause(ii) of sub-section(3) or in the disposal of any such matter may be defrayed out of any money obtained by the Board from such disposal and any balance outstanding shall be recoverable from the person concerned as arrears of land revenue or of public demand.
    Section 33-A. Power to give directions :
    Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, but subject to the provisions of this Act and to any directions that the Central Government may give in this behalf, a Board may, in the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions under this Act, issue any directions in writing to any person, officer or authority, and such person, officer or authority shall be bound to comply with such directions.
    Explanation : For the avoidance of doubts, it is hereby declared that the power to issue directions under this section includes the power to direct
    a. Closure, prohibition or regulation of any industry, operation or process.
    b. The stoppage or regulation of supply of electricity, water or any other service.
    Ques: How are the term's "environment", "environmental pollutant", " environmental pollution" and "hazardous substance" defined under the E.P.A. 1986?
    Ans:According to Section 2 of E.P.A.
    a: "Environment" includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.
    b: "Environmental pollutant" means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in such concentration as may be, or tend to be, injurious to environment.
    c: "Environmental pollution" means the presence in the environment of any environmental pollutant.
    d: "Hazardous substance" means any substance or preparation which, by reason of its chemical or physico-chemical properties or handling, is liable to cause harm to human beings, other living creatures; plants, microorganisms, property or the environment.
    Ques: What are the general powers of the Central Government under E.P.A. for the protection and improvement of environment?
    Ans:Section 3. Power of Central Government to take measure to protect and improve the environment -
    1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government shall have the power to take all such measures as it deems necessary or expedient for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of the environment pollution.
    2. In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1), such measures may include measures with respect to all or any of the following matters, namely.
    (i.)Co-ordination of actions by the State Governments, officers and other authorities
    a. Under this Act, or the rules made thereunder
    b. Under any other law for the time being in force which is relatable to the objects of this Act.
    ii. Planning and execution of a nation-wide programme for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.
    iii.Laying down standards for the quantity of environment in its various aspects.
    iv. Laying down standards for emission or discharge of environmental pollutants from various sources whatsoever. Provided that different standards for emission or discharge may be laid down under this clause from different sources having regard to the quality or composition of the emission lr discharge of environmental pollutants from such sources.
    v. Restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out subject to certain safeguards.
    vi. Laying down procedures and safeguards for the prevention of accidents which may cause environmental pollution and remedial measures for such accidents.
    vii. Laying down procedures and safeguards for the handling of hazardous substances.
    viii. Examination of such manufacturing processes, materials and substances as are likely to cause environmental pollution.
    ix. Carrying out and sponsoring investigations and research relating to problems of environmental pollution.
    x. Inspection of any premises, plant, equipment, machinery, manufacturing or other processes, materials or substances and giving, by order, of such directions to such authorities, officers or persons as it may consider necessary to take steps for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.
    xi. Establishment or recognition of environmental laboratories and institutes to carry out the functions entrusted to such environmental laboratories and institutes under this Act.
    xii. Collection and dissemination of information in respect of matters relating to environmental pollution.
    xiii. Preparation of manuals, codes or guides relating to the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.
    xiv. Such other matters as the Central Government deems necessary or expedient for the purpose of securing the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act.
    3. The Central Government may, if it consider it necessary or expedient so to do for the purposes of this Act, by order published in the Official Gazette, constitute an authority or authorities by such name or names as may be specified in the order for the purpose of exercising and performing such of the powers and functions (including the power to issue directions under Section 5) of the Central Government under this Act and for taking measures with respect to such of the matters referred to in sub-section(2) as may be mentioned in the order and subject to the supervision and control of the Central Government and the provisions of such order, such authority or authorities may exercise the powers or perform the functions or take the measures so mentioned in the order as if such authority had been empowered by this Act to exercise those powers or perform those functions or take such measures.
    Section 4. Appointment of Officers and their powers and functions :
    1. Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section(3) of Section 3, the Central Government may appoint officers with such designations as it thinks fit for the purpose of this Act and may entrust to them such of the powers and functions under the Act as it may deem fit.
    2. The officers appointed under sub-section(1) shall be subject to the general control and direction of the Central Government or , if so directed by that Government, also of the authority or authorities, if any, constituted under sub-section(3) of Section 3 or of any other authority or officer.
    Section 6. Rules to regulate environmental pollution :
    2. In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:
    a. The standards of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and purposes.
    b. The maximum allowable limits of concentration of various environmental pollutants (including noise) for different areas. c. The procedures and safeguards for the handling of hazardous substances.
    d. The prohibition and restrictions on the handling of hazardous substances in different areas.
    e. The prohibition and restrictions on the location of industries and the carrying on of processes and operations in different areas.
    f. The procedures and safeguards for the prevention of accidents which may cause environmental pollution and for providing for remedial measures for such accidents.
    Ques:Is pollution of load/soil covered under E.P.A ?
    Ans:Ans: Yes. Because under the E.P.A Environment includes water, air and land.
    The sources of land pollution are :
    i. The unintended or incidental pollution of soil with man made chemicals.
    ii. The spent material from mining, or processing, etc.
    iii. The discharge of sewage or waste water from urban areas on the land used for agricultural purposes, particularly that adjoining urban areas.
    iv. The indiscriminate disposal of solid waste (refuse).
    Which industry needs Consent/permission of JPCB?
    Ans:Any industry, operation or process or an extension and addition thereto, which is likely to discharge sewerage or trade effluent into the environment or likely to emit any air pollution into the atmosphere will have to obtain consent of the State Pollution Control Board under the provisions of Water (P & CP) Act, 1974 and Air (P & CP) Act, 1981.

    Similarly any industry / process generating, storing, transporting, disposing or handling hazardous waste as defined in schedule 1 and 2 of Hazardous waste (Handing and Management) Rules, 1989, as amended in 2000 and now as prescribed in New Hazardous and Other Wastes,Rules,2016 are required to obtain authorization from JSPC Board under the said rules.

    The medical institutions generating biomedical waste as defined in Biomedical Waste (M & H) Rules, 1989 and now as defined in new Biomedical wastes management Rules,2016 are required to obtain Authorization under the said rules.
    Ques:What are the requirements that are to be fulfilled under the E.P.A. by persons carrying on any industry, operation etc.?
    Ans:According to Section 7, no person carrying on any industry, operation or process shall discharge or emit or permit to be discharged or emitted any environmental pollutants in excess of such standards as may be prescribed.
    Ques:Is there any prescribed form for that? If yes, where can I get it?
    Ans:Prescribed application forms for the consent under Water (P&CP) Act, 1974 & Air (P&CP) Act, 1981, Hazardous and Other Waste Management Rules, 2016 are available ONMMS website and it is essential to submit application online. Now there is no need to submit application in hard copies.
    Ques:What are the fees applicable and where and how it should be paid?
    Ans:The fees for consent under Water & Air Act are payable on the capital investment of the industry (Including land, building and machinery without depreciation). This information is available in the consent/authorisation procedure section of OCMMS. The industries can also pay fees for longer period up to 5 terms for consent to Operate.

    The fees for authorization under Biomedical waste Management Rules, 2016 are linked to the bed capacity of hospital. This is also given in consent/authorization procedure section of this website. The fees for authorization under Hazardous and other waste management Rules 1982016 Rs.7500/- for a period of 5 years and these fees can be be paid only through online mode. No DDs are acceptable now.
    Ques:What are the restrictions on setting of any Industry in Jharkhand ?
    Ans:The entrepreneurs are advised to see the applicable restrictions for siting of new industry or its expansion. These restrictions are presented in Consent /authorization procedures/restrictions.
    Ques:Where shall I register my complaint about noise pollution, automobile exhaust, smell, nuisance, mangrove cutting etc?
    Ans:The citizens can register complaint about their environmental concerns as under,
    Concern Agency
    Noise Pollution District Administration
    *Industrial noise pollution JSPCB
    * Non-industrial noise pollution Police department
    Automobile/vehicle pollution Transport department
    Complaints of nuisance in Municipal Areas Municipal Authorities
    Water and Air pollution JSPCB
    CRZ related complaints Revenue department
    Ques:What is the vision of the JPCB towards futuristic approach?
    Ans:JPCB has developed vision statement as: "Improvement in the Board's functional efficiency transparency in operation, and adequate response to growing needs of environmental protection and sustainable development in the State of JHARKHAND".
    Ques:What role does JPCB play in pollution control ?
    Ans:JPCB being a major regulator for implementation of environmental Laws and pollution control in the State, plays an important role in securing sustainable development by enforcing various laws, rules, regulations notifications etc. pertaining to prevention and control of pollution. It is also responsible for monitoring of pollution and for preventive and curative action. JPCB's role has become multi-disciplinary including command and control, Regulator, Facilitator, Management Consultant and Guide to all the stake holders. Monitoring and surveillance has been one of the important function of the Board. Besides that by dissemination of information on Environment Protection and Training to all Stake holders, creation of Awareness become one of the important function of the Board u/s 17 of both the Water (P&CP) and the Air (P&CP) Act, 1981 respectively. JPCB is also supposed to initiate remediation or restoration process by imposing remediation cost and penalty with the approval of the CPCB under the provisions of the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) rules, 2016. JPCB is also empowered to carry out certain urgent works, as are within its bound.
    Ques: Is JPCB's role merely that of a regulator? Or does it play a facilitator's role also
    Ans:JPCB's primary role is of a regulator. However, it goes beyond regulation in order to advise all stake-holders involved in environment management and pollution control for compliance of the laws to organize the systems necessary for securing this objective and also to sensitize the laws and their implications.
    Ques:How is JSPCB connected to State Govt., CPCB and MoEF ?
    Ans:JSPCB is an autonomous statutory body. In certain administrative and technical matters, it is responsible to State Government, Central Pollution Control Board and Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt.of India. In critical matters, it is bound to go by the directions given by the State Government, CPCB or MoEF as the case may be.
    Ques:What are the environmental and pollution related clearances required to set up and start an industrial unit ?
    Ans:Normally the JSPCB's No Objection Certificate(CTE) in the form of combined Consent to establishment under Water Act, Air Act & Hazardous wastes Rules would be required for setting up of an industrial unit. In regard to 39 specified industrial and infrastructure projects, environmental clearance from the MoEF, Govt.of India and State Environment Department are also required as per Environmental Impact Assessment Notification dtd.14/09/2006 hoisted on the JSPCB's Website. These industry specific details would be available from the information provided in this Website. For the industrial units, MSW sites.
    Ques:Is JSPCB's role confined to regulate industrial pollution only ?
    Ans:No. It is also concerned with management of municipal waste, bio-medical wastes, used lead acid batteries, hazardous chemicals, electronic wastes and some other aspects related to pollution. JSPCB implements various Regulations and Notifications issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, which are placed on the JSPCB website.
    Ques:What are the enforcement powers vesting in JSPCB ?
    Ans:The important enforcement powers vested in JSPCB are laying down standards and securing their compliance, inspection and monitoring of all sources of pollution, issuance of notices with time limit to comply with the legal requirements, closure of the defaulter unit in grave cases and prosecution in cases of serious violation..
    Ques:Can a citizen take recourse to court action against a polluting unit?
    Ans:Yes. If for serious violation of law, no action is taken by the authority, a citizen can approach the court of law a fter giving notice to JSPCB.
    Ques:Where does one can complaint against a polluting unit ?
    Ans:Complaint about violator of pollution control laws can be brought to the notice of the Regional Office of JSPCB, Head Office of JSPCB at Ranchi or to the State Government. There are certain matters in which the authority lies with the District Collector, Municipal Corporation Municipal local bodies and other authorities in terms of the laws they are implementing. In such cases, the right forum will be those authorities to deal with such matters.
    Ques:What are the responsibilities of polluting industry to prevent and control pollution ?
    Ans:Permission like consent and or Environmental Clearance need to be obtained before setting up of an industrial unit and Consent/Authorization are mandatory before starting of the production. Running a polluting industry without the mandatory clearances is an offence and such unit will be liable to face stringent actions like closure and prosecution. Clearances are given for stipulated period and they need to be renewed before the term expires. Activities like contaminating the land by illegal dumping of hazardous wastes will invite penal provisions like fine and restoration of the contaminated land at the cost of the polluter, in addition to other steps.
    Ques:Is pollution a necessary price that we have to pay for achieving development ?
    Ans:No. The laws stipulate that all development should be carried out with minimal occurrence of pollution. Technologies are available for controlling pollution as per the norms prescribed for different processes. Therefore, the perception that pollution is the price for securing fast development is erroneous. However, if necessary steps are not taken by the polluting unit, as per the principles laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, the polluter is required to pay the cost of pollution caused by him by not taking anti-pollution measures.
    Ques:What is the concept of sustainable development ?
    Ans:Permission like consent and or Environmental Clearance need to be obtained before setting up of an industrial unit and Consent/Authorization are mandatory before starting of the production. Running a polluting industry without the mandatory clearances is an offence and such unit will be liable to face stringent actions like closure and prosecution. Clearances are given for stipulated period and they need to be renewed before the term expires. Activities like contaminating the land by illegal dumping of hazardous wastes will invite penal provisions like fine and restoration of the contaminated land at the cost of the polluter, in addition to other steps.
    Ques:What is the role of JSPCB in securing sustainable development ?
    Ans:The entire spectrum of laws and regulations which the JSPCB is regulating has the aim of minimizing pollution and thereby securing sustainable development. It also advises and enforces measures for prevention of pollution by way of adoption of cleaner technologies and recycling and reuse of wastes. In grave situation, it acts to the extent of closing down the polluting unit which may damage the ecology in an irreversible fashion.
    Ques:Is JSPCB the only authority to control pollution ?
    Ans:JSPCB is the chief regulator for a number of laws enacted and notified by the Government of India. However, it terms of other laws and also as implementing authority under environmental laws, authorities like District Magistrate, Govt. Departments like Home Department, Transport Department, Inspectorate of Factories, Health Dept., Local Bodies, Forests and Environment Dept., Civil Supplies Dept., Urban Development Dept., Industries Dept. etc. have also very important role to play in controlling pollution.
    Ques:What can a citizen do to prevent and control pollution ?
    Ans:A citizen can do much by adopting a code of conduct for himself as per various Environmental Laws and Rules passed by the Central and State Governments to desist from all activity which may pollute the environment. He can also bring to the notice of the authorities including JSPCB about the violation of laws meant to protect environment. He can also sensitize the neighborhood about the right practices for preventing the damage to environment through Neighborhood Associations, Voluntary Organizations etc. In extra-ordinary situation, citizens have the legal right to approach the Court of Law after giving 60 days notice to JPCB and other Government Departments including the violator/s in the prescribed format
    Ques:What is the purpose behind laying down standards for pollution control?
    Ans:The idea behind laying down standards is basically due to the realization that minimal pollution is rather inevitable in the production process. The environment has the capacity to absorb the minimal amount of pollution without any serious adverse impact. However, if this exceeds a certain limit, then the damage to environment cannot be avoided. The standards are fixed at the threshold, where the pollutants released by the production process do not lead to such a situation. In other words the standards are decided to contain the release of pollutant to the environment and thereby protect the overall quality of environment. In some cases, the standards are industry specific as well as location specific
    Ques:Who prescribes the standards for pollution control?
    Ans:The standards are prescribed by the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, which are minimum uniform national standards, which can not be relaxed by any Authority including SPCBs and Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, which can prescribe more stringent standards than whatever laid down by the MoEF, GoI, taking into consideration the local conditions..
    Ques:What are the parameters for which standards are prescribed?
    Ans:Standards are prescribed for following parameters: Water : pH, Colour, BOD, COD, Total Dissolved Solids, Temperature, Suspended Solids, Ammonical Nitrogen, Oil & Grease, Toxicants, Fluorides, Phenol, Cyanides, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Bacteriology, Fical Coliforms and Fluorides. Air : Suspended Particulate Matters, SOx, NOx, HCl, Cl2Ammonia, RSPM, etc.
    Ques:What is meant by Command & Control approach towards pollution control?
    Ans:Command and control refers to the present "Top down" approach under which the entire pollution control dispensation is prescribed from above. Preions are in the form of orders which all are obliged to comply with. There is no scope for a bottom up approach under which each polluting unit can be given individual set of parameters.
    Ques:Besides command and control, what other approaches are in practice to prevent and control pollution?
    Ans:Standards are prescribed for following parameters: Water : pH, Colour, BOD, COD, Total Dissolved Solids, Temperature, Suspended Solids, Ammonical Nitrogen, Oil & Grease, Toxicants, Fluorides, Phenol, Cyanides, Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Bacteriology, Fical Coliforms and Fluorides. Air : Suspended Particulate Matters, SOx, NOx, HCl, Cl2Ammonia, RSPM, etc.
    Ques:What is meant by "End of the pipe treatment"?
    Ans:In certain countries market based instruments have either replaced command and control or practiced in-conjunction with command and control. In this situation, there is possibility of one unit trading its waste load with another unit. However, under the Indian situation as yet command and control reigns supreme with some scope for economic instruments. The industries also adopt voluntary schemes based upon CREP under which they voluntarily submit to adoption of measures aimed at environmental compliance beyond the legal norms. They also benchmark themselves against International Standards, like getting ISO 14001 certificate.
    Ques:What is the alternative to end of the pipeline approach?
    Ans:The alternative is waste prevention and minimization, by implementing suitable sound technology for minimization of waste generation. Waste can be effectively segregated, recycled and reused so as to minimize the waste load.
    Ques:Is it possible to prevent generation of waste by industries?
    Ans:Yes. It is a question of using the right process technology and other measures for waste prevention mentioned above. With the advancement of new process technologies and raw materials, there is steady improvement towards prevention of generation of waste in some industrial sectors. These processes, however, have not reached such a stage that complete prevention of waste generation by all industries is possible.
    Ques:What are the methods in practice for waste reduction, recycling and reuse?
    Ans:Cleaner Technological options, ensuring mass balance, stochiometry and to improve the process with respect to yield, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, solvent recovery, clarification, purification, use of waste as a raw material, waste exchange etc are some of the proven methods.
    Ques:Are small units exempted from the regulations pertaining to pollution control?
    Ans:The law is applicable to all units irrespective of size. SSI units are eligible for few exemptions.
    Ques:How important is the development of common facilities for waste treatment and disposal.
    Ans:The setting up of common facilities like TSDF, CETP, CBWTF, pipelines etc. render it possible for units particularly for small unit to reduce the cost of treatment of waste because of economy of the scale in operation. Besides for every unit to set up all waste disposal requirements individually may not be possible due to shortage of land. This problem also can be resolved through common facilities, where small scale units to provide primary treatment only and for secondary treatment, it has to become a Member of CETP in cluster of industries.
    Ques:What are the important common waste treatment facilities in Jharkhand?
    Ans:The common facilities in the State are CETPs (for effluent treatment), TSDF (for Hazardous Waste Disposal), Common incineration for incinerating certain kinds of waste, Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities and Effluent Conveyance pipelines for transporting treated effluent to safer disposal points. The details are placed on the Website.
    Ques:How can one make use of common waste treatment facility in the State?
    Ans:Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board as well as agreement with operator of the common facilities would be necessary for using the common facilities.
    Ques:What is JSPCB doing to correct the situation of Golden Corridor ?
    Ans:JSPCB has taken up many corrective measures like river monitoring, identification and monitoring of polluted stretches of streams, intensive monitoring by Vigilance Squad as well as strict monitoring of individual industry by surprise monitoring. JSPCB has laid down stringent norms for discharges into various Creeks, setting up of common facilities like CETPs, STPs by Municipal Corporations, TSDF, common Bio-medical waste treatment facilities, common incinerators for HW for treated effluent to safe disposal point. JSPCB has directed individual industry to upgrade its treatment facilities to meet with JSPCB norms and initiated action against the defaulters as and when found necessary. JSPCB has prepared Action Plans for control of Air Pollution in Dhanbad-Jharia. JSPCB has also identified illegal dumping site.
    Ques:What exactly is the object of JSPCB's Charter for Good Governance ?
    Ans:JSPCB Charter for good governance aims at bringing about quality change in its working by making it a knowledge based organization to cope up with the new challenges through capacity building series, streamlining procedure and also fixing the accountability. It also aims at transparency in working and improving the services rendered by it quality-wise and time-wise.
    Ques:What are the control mechanism developed in JSPCB in order to ensure that polluting units are really complying with the regulation ?
    Ans:JSPCB has set up mechanisms to analyze the reports received from the monitoring teams and the laboratory verifies the samples and also verifies the compliance of other techno-legal requirements that the unit has to comply with. Based upon the findings so arrived at enforcement measures are taken. In certain cases surprise checking through Vigilance Squad are also carried out.
    Ques:Is JSPCB 'Pro Industry' , 'Anti Industry" or something else ?
    Ans:JSPCB is neither pro industry nor anti industry. It is a regulatory body which is performing its functions in accordance with the law for achieving the ultimate goal of sustainable development through effective environmental pollution control.
    Ques:What is the set up in JSPCB for attending to the complaints and for redressal of grievances ?
    Ans:JSPCB attends to the complaints by inspection, monitoring and verification through its Regional Offices or by sending special teams or by vigilance squad to visit the site and report back. Complaints can be lodged online on the Board's website. Both written and oral complaints are attended on a priority basis.
    Ques:What exactly is the role of the Vigilance Squad? How does one get in touch with that ?
    Ans:The Vigilance Squad can be accessed through telephone, in person or by sending written application. The role of the vigilance squad is to act fast, and report to the highest level (Chairman and MS) for action.
    Ques:How quickly can one expect the Vigilance Squad to act ?
    Ans:The Vigilance Squad should act without any loss of time.
    Ques:Can one approach the Regional Offices for informing about violation of laws and illegal dumping of wastes ?
    Ques:What is the role of Municipalities and Municipal Corporations in preventing and controlling pollution ?
    Ans:Local Bodies are responsible for proper treatment and safe disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and sewerage as per the law and as per the standards laid down. They need to take consent of JSPCB and run these facilities as per the norms laid down. They need to properly attend to the complaints from the public with regard to disposal of sewerage and solid waste. It should also make available space/land for Common Bio-Medical Treatment and Disposal Facility and ensure that within its jurisdiction, the shops and establishments and tiny activities are granted permission only after compliance of the Environmental Norms. For example : there should be integrated Slaughter House Management, Common Solid Waste Management, Bio-Medical Waste Management, Plastic Waste Management, Hotel Waste Management etc.
    Ques:How does JSPCB ensure that Municipalities are discharging their role about pollution control ?
    Ans:Sewage Treatment Plants and Solid Waste Disposal Facilities have to obtain the Consent/Authorization of the Board and the local bodies are mandated to run them according to the conditions laid down in Consent/Authorization, so as to comply with the Environmental Norms and to have less adverse effect on the environment.
    Ques:A few river stretches are polluted. What is the reason?
    Ans:The reason for pollution of river stretches is illegal discharge into the rivers, by various polluters including local bodies, industries etc.
    Ques:Is any planning done for remediation of polluted river stretches?
    Ans:Yes. JSPCB has monitored these river stretches and identified the reasons river-wise. An Action Plans are being prepared for remediation and implementation thereof and is already in process. .
    Ques:Has JSPCB any plan to involve people in better control of pollution?
    Ans:Yes. JSPCB undertakes a variety of programmes for involving people across various groups like NGOs, National Green Cores, Eco Clubs, Schools, Colleges, Media, Industries Associations and also by giving press notes and paid advertisements in the news papers to sensitize all concerned. Public Hearings for Environmental Clearance provides an open stage for people's involvement in project clearance.
    Ques:If somebody wants to associate himself with JSPCB for pollution control, which is the contact point?
    Ans: This can be done with Head Office or concerned Regional Office.
    Ques:For reference purpose, can people access JSPCB Library/Website?
    Ans:Yes. In fact any one( Related to Industries, Healthcare Facility/Local Bodies) can login through this website and can fillip their credentials along with longitude and latitude of their site and their location will be populated in the Map of Jharkhand.
    Ques:Does JSPCB order compensation for any damage due to pollution ?
    Ans:No. In the cases falling under Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, the affected party can approach the District Collector for awarding compensation against the damages.
    Ques:What is the policy of JSPCB with regard to plastic bags ?
    Ans:The policy of JSPCB in this regard is as per the provisions contained in Jharkhand All type of plastic carry bags irrespective of thickness have been banned in Jharkhand vide Notification No.-3900 dated- 15.09.2017 notified by Government of Jharkhand.
    Ques:What are the appeal provisions available in rejection cases ?
    Ans:Any person aggrieved by the order of Consent under Water/Air can file an appeal with the Appellate Authority constituted by the State Government against the authorization under the Hazardous Waste to the Secretary, Environment Deptt., Govt. of Jharkhand, against the Authorization under the Bio-Medical Waste to the Hon'ble State Environment Minister, Govt. of Jharkhand before the Appellate Authority constituted by the Chairman, JSPCB and in the case of Environmental Clearance of the Govt.of India, the aggrieved person can file the appeal with the National Environment Appellate Authority at the National Level.
    Ques:What can be done with regard to polluting vehicles ?
    Ans:Norms in this regard have been notified under the Motor Vehicles Act and the same are implemented by Transport Department.
    Ques:Is it permissible to send reusable hazardous waste for reuse in other States?
    Ans:Yes, subject to the provisions contained in Rules of the Hazardous and Other Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.
    Ques:Has JSPCB fixed any time limit for clearance of cases?
    Ans:Yes. Normally all clearances are given within 4 months time.
    Ques:Is there any provision for fast track clearances by JSPCB?
    Ans:No such mechanism is developed but all the cases are treated on the fast track through ONLINE CONSENT MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEM(OCMMS)..